
Hi! I'm Lynnelle!

Buck It - Change How You Define Success

Published about 2 months ago • 2 min read

If you want a fulfilling, heart-centered, authentic life, you'll want to ditch the old, conventional definition of success and adopt the new.

Reader, this took me more than a minute to figure out.

We grew up in a culture that values image & monetary and status-based accomplishments. We learn that the importance in life is crossing the finish line - not running the race.

As much as we say,

"Life is about the journey not the destination."

...bullocks. It's time to buck what was, and change.

OLD Success = Destination

  • Booking the client,
  • Getting the promotion,
  • Posting the proof on Facebook.

It's time to shift the viewpoint, recognize that striving for a destination - particularly one not of our own choosing, is actually keeping us from growing into the woman and living the life I want in this next chapter.

This is big. Realizing this changed how I define success.

NEW Success = Journey

Yes, I have still have goals (boy, do I) and finish lines I want to reach. But, the goal isn't the only thing I'm striving for. The journey to the finish line has to be meaningful, interesting, helpful to others, and / or supportive of my expansion & growth - aka: in alignment with the person I want to be and life I want to live.

It's a conscious decision. Every minute. Of every day. It doesn't come easily at first.


  • We're not programed to prioritize the journey.
  • We don't live in a culture that prioritizes the journey.
  • Many people in our lives don't prioritize the journey.

It's Just Stuff - Or, Is It?

I've started divesting myself of "stuff" collected over the last few decades. Yes, it's just "stuff", but there's a story or a connection with much of it. I donated my beautiful, vintage grand piano to a music school. That was my first "adult", big purchase I made with my 1st bonus in 1994. It wasn't a piano, it was "success".

But, was it? No. It was just "stuff".

Still, my gut tightens and I wince a little when I see a beautiful piano or a Chanel bag, or a shiny Mercedes Benz.

It takes a minute to unlearn and relearn what has been a normal, subconscious way of being for decades. But, I want to unlearn and relearn - a lot.

What do you need to unlearn in order to be the person and live the life you want for this next chapter?

To help you along this process, the 3-day, virtual event Don't Retire! ReWIRE. Women's Circle Workshop is scheduled for May 22, 23, & 24. Block the days on your calendar here. You won't want to miss it.

Stay tuned for more information.


Lynnelle "Lots to Unlearn" Wilson
Mentor & Chief Cheerleader

PS - Make sure to save the date. It's still a month+ out, but be sure to schedule the time completely off to avoid conflicts or distractions. You'll thank me. May 22, 23, & 24. Don't Retire! ReWIRE.

PSS - Also, make sure you're part of the private Facebook Group!

Hi! I'm Lynnelle!

Chief Cheerleader and Guide of the BOLD-Women Community.

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