
Hi! I'm Lynnelle!

How Can You Be So Selfish?

Published 2 months ago • 1 min read

Reader, following your heart ain't for wimps.

"You're so selfish! You've ALWAYS been selfish!!"
"Have you gone nuts?"
"I think you're unhinged. This isn't like you."

Family and friends mean well. Maybe. But, they don't know that as crazy and unhinged as they feel you've gone, you probably haven't felt more sure of anything in very, very long while. How can this be? ARE you crazy?


One of the things to be prepared for is the blowback from others who aren't prepared for the new you. The person they've grown comfortable with over the years is changing and that threatens their view of their world and their SELF.

You can be kind an compassionate while maintaining your truth and following your heart. But, unfortunately nthat doesn't mean the responses you'll get are similarly kind and compassionate.

It's not unusual. Prepare yourself and don't take it personally. It tells you a lot about them.


Lynnelle "Selfish & Proud" Wilson

PS - Hit reply and let me know if you're ready to get unhinged yourself. I'm here.

Hi! I'm Lynnelle!

Chief Cheerleader and Guide of the BOLD-Women Community.

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