
Hi! I'm Lynnelle!

It's Almost Here - Just a Few Tweaks More

Published 17 days ago • 1 min read

Hello Reader!

Here it is the first of May and, as promised, here’s a sneak peek into "Don't Retire! ReWIRE," a transformative 3-day virtual event designed to help you redefine retirement into a vibrant chapter of rediscovery and growth. Save the dates - May 22, 23, 24!

Why you want to attend "Don't Retire! ReWIRE"

  • Rediscover Your Passions: Tap back into those dreams and interests that took a backseat during your career.
  • Strategically Plan Your Future: Create a life plan that’s not just fulfilling but truly resonates with your deepest values.
  • Develop Resilience: Equip yourself with the tools to navigate life's changes with confidence and poise.
  • Connect with Like-minded Women: Share this journey with a community of dynamic women all set to redefine what it means to retire.

I’m really excited to host you on this journey. The 3-days will be packed with insights and strategies that continue to transform my own life and have also empowered other women to step into their next chapter with courage and unapologetic authenticity.

While the Ts are being crossed on the official registration page, keep this email handy. You’ll want to be among the first to secure your spot and take advantage of special early bird pricing, at $47. Early bird pricing expires on May 10. Stay tuned for an update in the coming days with a link to register and more exciting details.

Tomorrow, you'll get a Moving to France update with Lesson #2! (If you'd rather opt out of the Moving to France emails, just click here.)

In the meantime, get ready to ignite your passion, purpose, and potential at "Don't Retire! ReWIRE." This isn’t just any event—it’s the beginning of your most thrilling chapter yet.


Lynnelle "So Excited for You to Attend the Event!" Wilson
Mentor & Chief Cheerleader

P.S. Keep an eye on your inbox for the registration link—you won’t want to miss out on this exclusive opportunity to reshape your future!

Hi! I'm Lynnelle!

Chief Cheerleader and Guide of the BOLD-Women Community.

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