Lessons from a Year in Charleston


Surrendering for Joy & Fulfillment

I'm sitting in the airport waiting for my flight back to Austin, the final ending to my intentional year in Charleston, SC.

There are many lessons and experiences I'll carry with me, and most of them - if not - boil down to surrendering to what is.

It's Not Giving Up

Surrendering to what is doesn't mean you don't try or you don't care. You're not giving up your agency, your choice, or your responsibility. It's more that you accept life and what it presents without any thought or feelings of "Why me?", "They should / shouldn't have..." "If only..."

No blame, no judgement - just life unfolding.

Easy for Me to Say

It's easy for me to sit here and type this. It's also easy to KNOW this. It's something you've likely heard before more than once. LEARNING and making the change to live that way is another story.

But, this past year has taught me more and more that it's the truth. Struggling with events and behaviors over which we have no control does nothing to improve our lives - just the opposite.

It is so difficult to put this practice of surrender into practice, especially in emotionally charged, ego slamming situations. But so critical.

THE Lesson

If I had a wand and could magically change anything about myself, without a doubt I'd strengthen my awareness and ability to surrender to what is. I'd wish that for you, too.

  • When people let you down or disappoint you.
  • When the weather ruins the special event you've been planning forever.
  • When time or an accident or an illness takes away someone or something important to you.

Surrender. Grieve. Be pissed off or disappointed. Learn a lesson.



You're not alone. There are MANY of us who want to learn to live surrendering to what is. It isn't "normal" so it takes practice.

Surrendering is just 1 of the lessons we'll address in Don't Retire! ReWIRE. Early-bird registration is open through Friday, May 17.

How much more joy and fulfillment could you experience letting go of what you can't control? I believe that's the first and most important step to living with intention, rather than according to convention.

I hope you'll be there.


Lynnelle "Surrendering to a 2-Hour Flight Delay" Wilson

PS - Hit reply to this email with any questions or with your comment. You really don't want to miss next week's event. Register before the Early Bird rate expires on Friday.

241 Juniper Trail, Elgin, TX 78621
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Hi! I'm Lynnelle!

Chief Cheerleader and Guide of the BOLD-Women Community.

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