
Hi! I'm Lynnelle!

Lynnelle is Moving to France: Lesson #1

Published about 1 month ago • 1 min read

People have been telling me for a YEAR, "You have to share this journey!"

Reader, if you're like me going "Live" online isn't the most comfortable thing. Recording yourself, in general, is a chore. Still, I've chosen this path of sharing my journey back to myself after retiring... so, here 'goes.

So many of you have said how much you admire, how much you'd like to do the same, how envious, how amazed... you are that I'm actually making the move.

Long & Winding Road 🎶​

If I'm completely honest... I'm proud too. A bit surprised, even. It has been - and continues to be a long, challenging road.

But close enough. And so many of you have asked how I found the courage, how I found the place, why France, etc. etc. I decided to start telling the story.

I'm planning on a couple of emails a week just on this journey. If you have no interest in my journey to France, you can Opt Out of the series by clicking this link & stay connected to the community.

Otherwise, here's the first post.

video preview​


On the Road Again 🎶​

I'm posting these updates to the private BOLD-Women Facebook Group first. When I get time, I'll also be adding them to YouTube. But make sure you're part of the private group on FB because I'm hitting the road moving from Charleston back to Austin this Thursday. It will be a week or so before I can update YouTube from here on.

Send me any questions or anything in particular you'd like to know about this journey of mine. Thank you for being along for the ride.


Lynnelle "On the Long and Winding Road Again" Wilson

PS - Much of the virtual 3-Day woman's circle / retreat in May was created based on my experience in getting to this place. May 22, 23, & 24. Mark your calendar. More details coming first week of May.

If you're on the road to finding yourSELF and your next chapter, you won't want to miss it. Save the dates.​


Hi! I'm Lynnelle!

Chief Cheerleader and Guide of the BOLD-Women Community.

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